How to: Using Azure Analytics to track usage of your Office 365 portal – SharePoint Code Analysis Framework

Are you looking for answers to questions like: How are people using my Intranet? How many people are visiting which pages? How long do they stay on each section? Being able to track usage of a website or Intranet is not new, but a lot has changed over the years with the technology available and … Continued

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See on Scoop.itOffice365

In AWS cloud contracts (as in life), read before signing

Lawyers say never to sign (or click on) anything without reading it first, but that rule typically goes out the window when it comes to complex-yet-boring end user licensing agreements (EULAs) and other software licenses. As John Oliver said in his epic net neutrality screed: “If you want to do something evil, put it inside something…

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See on Scoop.itSoftware Licensing